Transcription effectuée sur la plateforme TACT: Etat de la fiche sur TACT : Transcription en relecture
Texte transcrit
All this may sound prehistoric to the girls born after the
war, with all those rights we had to fight for in their cradle.
But it would be a mistake that they will never be questioned.
My generation knows hoy
reason why I feel bound up with women from whatever country or colour
or religion thriving to get free.
I beleive that our only chance is to share power, every form
of power. As long as govvernments and Parliaments with males can
make and change the laws, as long as religious authorities, be they
Christian or Islamic, with males, can dictate our morals and our behaviour and decide on the world's trend, we may be granted some improvements, conditionnally... but the grand slogan of the French
Revolution, LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE, (another questionable word, fraternité!) that slogan remains, as far as we are concerned, a lure.