Transcription de amarteel_31_AF55_14_MDS00045 Gestionnaire Eve Dellarovere

Transcription effectuée sur la plateforme TACT: Etat de la fiche sur TACT : Transcription en relecture

Laboratoire Litt&Arts

Texte transcrit


why it didn't change, or so reluctantly.It was in late 1975. this time, I was ashamed of myself for notunderstanding earlier that good education,smiles and patience (feminine behaviourlead nowhere and did nothing to improvewmn's situation.

France is very fond thinking she is thenative land of Les Drts de l'H. But she certainlyis not the land of Les Drts de la F. !

Especially when Power is concernedPolitical power, which is symbolic. the low proportionof wmn in our Parliament leaves us the lastof the squad in Europe, only Greece is behind us and wehave less wmn elected now, than we hadin 1945, when Gal de Gaulle conceded to wmnthe right to vote. Today: you find wmn in the Finnish Assembly. in Germany, in Norway, in Sweden and Denmarkthere are only 10% in the States ! But in France !

It is said that the real change begins with of wmn in a group. Underthat number, they stay alibis and too fewto mean something. (masse critique)

their rising though, in the sociallandscape, is the major event of these last years and men's fears are bobbing upto the surface.

I wonder if the actual crazy revival of