others are working in the same direction.
Before concluding I will just give 2 last
Warning to Girls
Hi Tech Entertainment,
maker of Nintendo, is mar-
keting a range of Barbie
video games to girls. Alterna-
tives to violent "boys" games,
they have names like "Super
Model" (above) and feature
such feats as Barbie navigat-
ing a small maze to meet Ken
for a date. Yikes!
About lion's King
If You Thought <hi rend="highlight">The Little Mermaid</hi> Was Bad...
Kids love The Lion King for its glorious animation, its range of rich, lively voices, and its many tru-
ly funny lines. But beneath the surface of Disney's latest box-ofice blowout, there's flat-out
racism and sexism, some of it so bad you just dont know what to make of it. Two examples : rows
of fascist, goose-stepping hyenas wo speak so-called black English, and female-lions who do all the
work of feeding the pride, while the males take all the credit. And the story line is your basic power to ode to patriarchy
the-patriarchy ode. "There were Old testament influences", admitted Disney's producers!, describing the !!
movie's male power theme. The Lion King's message to boys? Don't disappoint Daddy. To girls? Men rule.
-Anastasia Higginbotham
So you see, we are still under the
spell of the old Testament! and the Almighty Father!
The trouble is we have had much too many Fathers
throughout History! the Almighty Father, the
Holy Fater, our forefathers, our Father confessors,
Father Christmas and the most haunting father
figure of them all, the Father of Psychoanalysis,
My wish is that we will rid ourselves
of all those paternalistic speeches. And turn
to something that has never been taught to