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But nobody ever told us such an interesting
thought. the general theory was that genius /
couldn't / be / feminine.

- Where are the female Platos, the Beethovens, the Picasso
or Einstein ? said with condescension all
our teachers, all the men in general and even the young
idiots that dated us and that we were sometimes
stupid enough to love... (Each of them being very far
from Plato, Beethoven or Einstein !) But the glory
of these famous men
flashed back on all of them. Never
on any of us !!

Which figures were proposed to girls and
teenagers ? In our Catholic schools we had 2 models
of prestige:
the Virgin Mary. an example impos-
sible to equal... but the only feminine figure
at the foot of the Holy Trinity, all male...
and another virgin
Joan of Ark nicknamed
La Pucelle, a beautiful figure... but who could
wish to end up like her ?

les 2 béatif du Pape. And in our History books or school books, what identi
fications could we dream of ?
A few naughty
inherit in gloom queens (loi salique) a lot of King's favourites and courtesans,
feminine figures that are French people appreciate.
And of course the Merry-go-round of naive girls,
Cinderella, the Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and
Barbie dolls, who have no personal
existence, never accomplish anything, have for
only gift their beauty and spend their youth
waiting for the Charming Prince.

Contributeurs (2)
Eve Dellarovere C_Meynard