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Simone de Bvr, not only because she led an in
dependant life, was feminist, but because she
refused marriage and children. Her major work
the second sex had in 1949 a great success in the
states but it came too soon for France: it was
condamned by Church and put in the Judex.
What seems
normal in
N. Maileror
s disguting
in a W.'s book

Miller And as a wmn is always insulted through her organs There too F. Mauriac was shocked and
wrote : Now we all kwon the vagina of S. de Bvr !
Exactly the same send thought : wmn are
denied the right to describe this body.

Beside their sexuality has been linked
with their literature ! Those who write suces
or they are obsessed
by their
lower instants,
or they are are
supposed to be sterile old mases.
In 1893, the Goncourt brothers dared write
very seriously in their famous "Journal": If only
a Dr could carry out a post-mortem exam of wmn with some
original gift. Mme G.Sand for instance - he wld evi
dently discover they had genitals similar to men's.
and a long clirtoris resembling our penis."

Nobody burst out laughing at such premises
it's the wmn artists that got laughed at and

The situation of course has changed to day
wmn have written more books in 50 years
than in 30 Ctes. but in many cases, misogyny
hasn't released it's grip. 10 years ago, just
when the United Nations decided that 1975
wld be wmen's year, my essay on feminism, many essays were published.
Ainsi soit Elle came out, and it was often
reviewed at the ladie's page and not in the
between a cooking receipt and a knitting pattern.

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